This website acts as a platform for my work with the focus on visionary spatial projects, cross-media artworks. and unique textile products. All these areas are combined in the special editions of House of LAV.

At first it was no option for me to present fine art and textile products together. Fine art regularly negotiates and criticizes its immanent commodity character and the art market itself. Concerning the textile products my goal is also to not simply produce for an unknown amount of customers, but to create unique pieces considering the criteria of sustainability and fair conditions of production.

Very soon I realised that those two fields of my practice clearly complete each other on many different levels and definitely should be presented next to one another.

In addition to those two fields of my work and research there fits another perfectly well - which is the creation of visionary spaces.

Since 2010 I have been consciously working with space on an artistic, philosophical, practical and theoretical level. Furthermore I wrote my thesis in 2012 on the project spaces of artistic institutions.

My spatial projects reach from general working or living indoor and outdoor spaces, over digital spaces until specific, curated art spaces (see List of Exhibitions).

I have always felt at home in art spaces, creative work and a cross-media artistic practice have been accompanying me ever since.

My artworks are not fixiated on certain media, they are adaptable according to their concept and context.

For decades I have additionally been working with textiles - in the fields of design, printing and colouration, fashion and fine art. My studies then helped me to deepen my understanding of fine art as well as artistic and applied textiles.

All products that are presented on this website are already sold or given away as a present. But you can order each product contacting me directly via email; in a similar or different form. Moreover I offer a curated selection of already manufactured products in my Shop on Etsy.

Also please use this email address (link above) if you are interested in spatial creations, fine art works, exhibitions or cooperations.

Each product is a unique piece that I individually create with love.

The materials for all products have to fulfill the criteria of high quality and sustainability. I especially use European or certified products, biological and organic fabrics as well as second hand clothing and sustainable accessories. I particularly focus on the creation of completely plastic free products.

In addition I post on a blog on relevant topics such as alternative textiles, sustainable fashion, fair shops, the conditions of clothing production etc.

– Verena Lassnig

Short Biography

- born in Klagenfurt, Austria

- 2006 - 2012: studied Art and Communication Practices as well as Textiles (Free, Applied and Experimental Artistic Design) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, diploma with honours

- in 2010 studied Surface Design and Photography for seven months at LCC (London College of Communication, University of the Arts)

- 2012 - 2014: i.a. art educator at the Generali Foundation and Secession Vienna

- since 2012 working as a teacher and freelance artist (see List of Exhibitions)