Studio, 2021-22

Bedroom, 2022

Roof Terrace, 2021-23

On this roof terrace we cultivate over 55 different kinds of edible plants and herbs every year, for example: multiple kinds of tomatoes, aubergines, zucchini, cucumbers, peas and beans; fennel, artichokes, spinach, New Zealand spinach, carrots, radishes, various kinds of salads; watermelons, pears, peaches, two kinds of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, redcurrant, cassis, kiwis; diverse kinds of rosemary, thyme, oregano and marjoram; laurel, caraway, chives, hyssop, curry plant, St. John's wort, lady's mantle, ribwort, dandelion, nettle, mallow, valerian, hop, lemon verbena, lemon balm, balm, multiple kinds of mint.

The young plants were mainly grown from Arche Noah seeds or bought at organic nurseries (as was the earth). Above all self-made effective microorganisms are used as fertiliser and no pesticides or something similar is utilised. Because of multiple insect houses and plants a variety of wonderful insects could settle on the roof terrace, like bumblebees and four different kinds of wild bees. In addition we can support fabulous black birds, great tits, goldfinches, black redstarts and sparrows throughout the year and in the winter we provide our feathered friends with multiple birdhouses as well as feeders.

I preferably plan all interior and exterior projects considering sustainability and saving resources. As little as possible is thrown away and as much as possible is reused. I also gladly upcycle or repurpose one or the other piece and create new space specific unique pieces.

If I by new objects or materials I primarily focus on well produced, sustainable and second hand pieces.

The earth, plants and seeds all come exclusively from organic nurseries or sustainable associations (e.g. for the cultivation of most of the edible plants I use seeds from Arche Noah ). As fertiliser I use self produced effective microorganisms (bokashi bucket). For the planning of the planting I consider given geographical circumstances as well as the various existing climate zones.

Regarding the exterior spaces I mainly use domestic heritage plants and seeds (they are more resilient on more than one level). An integral part of all planning is incorporating the needs of animals and plants: insect and bird houses are as important to me as diverse (edible) insect herbs and flowers.

The design of the interior and exterior spaces is directly linked to their use whereby all objects, materials and plants correlate in order to create a common experience.